

A mudslide caused by heavy rain and forest clearance almost sweeps away the cabin at the foot of the wooded slope. But this is not the only upheaval in Nikitas’s life. Shortly after the landslide, a man on an off-road motorbike es racing through the forest and stops in front of Nikitas’s cottage. For the first time in twenty years, Nikitas’s son Johnny stands before him, demanding the inheritance that was left to him in his mother’s will, namely, fifty percent of the land on which the reclusive Nikitas is now living. At first, Nikitas ignores his son. But there is also a pany that is after the land; called simply “the monster” by the villagers, the firm wants to build a road here. To prevent the muddy ground from being pulled from under their feet, father and son have to dig deep into it. Together.Director Georgis Grigorakis sets his rain-drenched woodland Western against a majestic backdrop and finds robust yet tender images to tell this tale of rapprochement between two men. A story of resistance more powerful than the strongest excavator. 2024-06-06 16:21
说着,叶辰又道:这样,给他刻‘我要拉屎给吴鑫吃。 2024-06-06 16:21
AC米兰官方消息,球队中场球员波贝加成功接受了左股直肌肌腱手术,预计的恢复时间为四个月。 2024-06-06 16:21
皇马本赛季多人受伤,一线队目前有8名伤员,其中阿拉巴、米利唐、库尔图瓦遭遇十字韧带重伤。 2024-06-06 16:21
从故事梗概上看,影片是设定在一个虚拟世界里的爱情悬疑片,讲述神秘的光照到世界多个地方,导致很多人消失了 2024-06-06 16:21
    这是一个三角恋情势的故事,其空气与田馥甄的歌曲《Love!》很是类似我爱你,你爱她。 2024-06-06 16:21
叶辰只来得及转过头,就被几个人从后面挤了过来,被迫让到一旁。2024-06-06 16:21
因此,迈克尔·曼曾表示,如果《盗火线2》要拍电影(如今确定电影将拍摄),那第一部的演员如罗伯特·德尼罗和方·基默等是不会回归的,迈克尔·曼称:“我爱这些伙计们,但他们现在得比在《盗火线》再年轻个6岁(才适合回归出演)2024-06-06 16:21
第14分钟,基耶萨禁区右侧底线前小角度打门,球被门将扑了一下打在边网上!2024-06-06 16:21
排在第一梯队的,就是八大天王。2024-06-06 16:21

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